Sunday, February 22, 2009

Memories from a Photo

“Memoing” My Memories Topic 21:

Memories from a Photo

If you have not worked on your Timeline lately or cannot recall what else to add, try going through your old photos and jotting down events that happened around them. Hopefully, you have already written the names, locations, and dates on EVERY one of them! Your descendants would greatly appreciate that. If you are like me, you may do it in spurts! It took two broken ankles to get many of them done! I am not hoping to finish the job in the same way, however!

Often looking at the old photos, sharing them with your family, children or grandchildren, you start to recall why that photo was taken, the details of that trip, the wonderful times with those friends….

Choose a photo from your life or one of a family member and write about the circumstances around that photo; your thoughts and memories at that time. Take the time to reflect on how life was then, and possibly how it has changed. What were the people in the photo like; what are your fondest memories of them…?

Remember to include your photo with your computer or paper files.

Reminder: What other photos could you use to help add to your Timeline or stories?

Suggestion: This and the previous ideas are from my booklet "Memoing" My Memories which contains 130 similar prompts on a huge variety of subjects. This booklet is worth the value as it contains many ideas within each prompt. The sprial bound booklet is available by emailing me at:

1 comment:

Kay Cox said...

I find your posts most informative. I've only just begun to blog and am slowly making my way around this new ground. I am not a geneologist;however, I found your site from my cousin who is our family "keeper of the bones." If you have time, and are so inclined, I would appreciate your stopping by and taking a peek at my blog: campacrosstexaswithskipandkay. I have about 8 posts and 4 followers. Surely those numbers will increase.

Thanks for your great, informative blog. I'm sure that your suggestions will help me to become a better memory keeper. Thank you for that.